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Scenario-based crisis modeling to prepare for the challenging year ahead.

This is true whether you are a bootstrapped or self-funded small- to medium-sized business or a venture-funded startup. Business owners and leaders cannot wait to have all the right answers before figuring out their next steps.

This is where advance planning comes in handy through:

  1. Scenario-based business modeling,

  2. Revised sales forecasts,

  3. Salary cost management,

  4. Reduced infrastructure spend, and

  5. Optimized marketing expenses.

I am a growth advisor to several clients. About a month ago, my clients and I began revising our plans to prepare for the challenging road ahead. As a small business owner myself, I’m ready with a revised scenario-based 2-year model for my own company.

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

Published in 'The Writing Cooperative' - a leading publication on Medium.

What if you need to send an email announcing the winners of a nationwide sales contest?

With semicolons, it’s easy to separate an individual’s name and location from the next item on the list.

What if you need to introduce a few new professionals to the rest of your team?

Semicolons are a crisp and elegant solution.

What if you land a client who appreciates higher-quality writing?

Sneak a semicolon or two into your corporate content and impress them.

What if you're just looking to elevate your writing?

Step into the world of semicolons. They're not evil, they're just misunderstood. Give them a chance. Read our article: Semicolons in Your Writing Are Like Avocados on Toast, You don’t always need them. But give them a chance; they jazz up the mundane.

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